A request for help!

I am currently looking for one manual, and one piece of AFM control software:

  • Topometrix Discoverer manual
  • Nanocockpit software disc (CD-ROM?) This is the software to control a Nano-R AFM or similar from Pacific Nanotechology.

If you haveeither of these, please get in touch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This page is intended to act as a repository for manuals for atomic force microscopes. At this time, there is relatively little information here (basically, the manuals I have .pdf copies of), but I hope that over time it will grow. If you have a manual for your instrument that you think could be useful for other AFM users, please send it to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


I hope that this page is useful for AFM users, especially those who inherited older instruments that have become spearated.



  • TT2-AFM manual v2.3 - This .pdf file is the user manual for AFMWorkshop's 2nd gen TT-AFM , i.e. "Table-Top AFM"
  •  LS-AFM Manual v1.1 - This user manual is for AFMWorkshop's "Life Sciences AFM". This covers the AFM instrument, there may be a separate manual for the optical microscope from AFM Workshop if you have a copy of that one, please send it to me
  •  HR-AFM Manual - This .pdf file is the user manual for AFMWorkshop's "High Resolution AFM" instrument. Unlike the TT2 manual, it covers use of the v4.x software
  •  B-AFM Manual v1.0 - This is the user maual for the B-AFM from AFMWorkshop


Asylum Research (now  Oxford Instruments)

  • MFP 3D User Guide V13 - This is the .pdf file of the user guide for the MFP 3D Bio-AFM from Asylum which was since aquired by Oxford Instruments
  • Cypher User Guide -  This is the User guide for the Cypher "small sample AFM", from Asylum



  • NWS User guide - This is the .pdf file of the user g uide for the NWS (NanoWorkshop) softwar euse dby Nanonics
  • MV4000 user guide -  This is the user guide (pdf)  for theNanonics multiview 4000 AFM/SPM system. These systems are very unusual in supporting multiple probes scanning the sample at the same time (up to four I think).



  • Nanoscope Software 6.13 User Guide - This .pdf file is the user manual for the nanoscope software interface for any microscope using a nanoscope controller, i.e. the popular multimode and dimension instruments. This version is compatible with Windows XP latest.
  • Multimode Instruction Manual v4.31 - This is a .pdf version of the instruction manual for the multimode microscope. This is based on a rather old version of the software (in DOS windows). Note that for these DI instruments, the controller and microscope have spearate manuals.


JPK (now a part of Bruker)

  • Nanowizard User Manual - This .pdf file is the user manual for JPK (now Bruker) Nanowizard bio-AFM instruments. THis covers the version 6.0 software. As far as I know this means instruments up to Nanowizard 4. Covers hardware, control software and analysis functions.


 Molecular Imaging/Agilent/Keysight

  • Agilent 5500 User Guide revB - This .pdf is the user guide for the Agilent 5500 microscope, which I think used to be called the PicoPlus before it becasme an Agilent instrument


Other Documents

A Practical Guide to Scanning Probe Microscopy - This is a .pdf file of the SPM practical guide, which I beleive was first made by TopoMetrix, this is the Thermomicroscopes version. This is a very old document, but contains a lot of helpful information for AFM users, still. Not an instrument manual, it's a simple guide to the general principles of how an AFM works. If you read this and want something more in-depth, I reccomend this book!