The Requimte AFM Training Workshop will run during Easter 2014, from the 14th to 17th April. Following the successful courses that ran in 2011 and 2013, we've decided the course should run annually. The course includes several hours hands-on training in acquiring images with the atomic force microscope as well as AFM data processing. The course has been reorganised based on student feedback, and will feature advanced topics lectures from guest scientists in biology and materials science. This year, we plan to lengthen the practical part of the course, and hope to offer access to different instruments.


  • We are pleased to announce that this year, there will be 3 invited speakers, covering applications in a wide range of areas, and illustrating different capabilities of AFM:

Dr. Rui Rocha, CEMUP, Porto: "Materials Applications of AFM"

Dr. Simon Connell, University of Leeds, UK: "Dynamics in Biological AFM"

Dr. Filomena Carvalho, IMM, University of Lisbon, "Force Spectroscopy: Biological and Biomedical Applications"

Thanks to all the speakers for agreeing to talk.

  • The provisional timetable can be downloaded here.
  • There is a document containing in formation on travel to Porto, and hotels near the faculty of sciences here.
  • The 2014 course has had all 16 places filled.
  • The course flyer can be seen by clicking below: 



 A blog with information and student feedback from the 2013 course can be seen here: Requimte AFM Workshop 2013

 Some information about the course that took place in 2011 can be seen here:

The course is sponsored by AFMWorkshop. It is also supported by The University of Porto, and will be integrated into the forthcoming network BIO-AFM.