
Every year in our AFM training course, we hold a little competition among the students to produce and process an AFM image. The prize is always a liquid product from the city of Porto!

This year, the overall prize was won by this nice treatment of human red blood cells sent in by Akmaral.


Human erythrocytes, processed and submitted by Akmaral Suleimenova


Thanks to Christie for donating the blood!


In addition, this year, we have a special prize for “outstanding image processing”, which goes to Tobias for this unusual image presentation: I can only show you a photo of the image, as he 3D-printed the AFM image of 90nm nanoparticles. Great one, Tobias!


3D printed image of Nanoparticles from Tobias Burger

Congratulations to Akmaral and Tobias, your prizes and certificates will be with you soon!


Thanks to everyone who entered the competition this year. Hope to see you again!

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